Resource IDs are now hashed in the following format: <RESOURCE_PREFIX>_<HASHED_ID>. IDs are fully backwards compatible with older API versions. We recommend moving to the new ID format for consistency, but you can continue using sequential IDs.
Breaking Change:GET /servers
Added regions field
Changed features field
Deprecated line, name, and available_in fields
Breaking Change:GET /plans
Removed the propertiesname, line, available_in
features is now an array that can include ssh, raid or user_data.
cpus has been renamed cpu
cpu and gpu are now an object and no longer an array.
available_in has been replaced by regions
GET /ips
Removed the role property
Breaking Change:GET /traffic
Changed filter[from_date] and filter[to_date] are now using ISO date format
Renamed to GET /traffic/usage
GET /project/<project_id>
Added same details of each project from GET /projects